Study in Japan Fair for Uganda 2023 took place in Kampala
On 12 September 2023, Study in Japan Fair for Uganda 2023 took place at Makerere University in Kampala.
Organized by Hokkaido University Africa Office in Lusaka in cooperation with the Embassy of Japan in Uganda and Makerere University, the fair gathered seven Japanese universities and 316 participants. Brochures of nine other Japanese universities were also showcased at the information desk at the fair.
A Study in Japan Coordinator from Hokkaido University Africa Office gave a presentation on the general information on studying in Japan, whereas a representative of the Embassy of Japan gave information on the MEXT scholarship. Representatives of the Japanese universities also explained about their schools, programmes, and financial assistance schemes they have.
Three Ugandan alumni who have experience in studying in Japan also shared their experience with the audience. There was also a lively Q&A session where participants were able to ask questions directly to the presenters.
Following the General Information Session, there was an Individual Consultation Session. This session provided the participants an opportunity to directly talk with the representatives of Japanese universities to better understand their school and scholarship opportunities.
The following universities participated in the fair:
- Ehime University
- Hokkaido University
- International University of Japan
- Kyoto University
- Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
- Tottori University
- Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University
The brochures of the following universities were showcased at the fair:
- Keio University
- Kyoto University of Advanced Science
- Nagasaki University
- Otaru University of Commerce
- Ritsumeikan University
- Sophia University
- Tokyo Institute of Technology
- Toyo University
- University of Electro-Communications