Study in Japan Online Fair for Postgraduate Studies

Saturday 14 October 2023

Watch the video

If you missed the live General Information Session, here is the video for you to catch up.

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To participate in the fair, please register from below. You will also receive additional information on studying in Japan and scholarships after the fair. 

Programme (CAT, UTC+2)


11:00-12:30      General Information Session
                                  -    General information on studying in Japan
                                  -    Scholarships (including MEXT Scholarship)
                                  -    Experience shared by former students who 
                                       studied in Japan
                                  -    Q&A
12:30-14:00      University Consultation Sessions 

Join the University Consultation Sessions

Session I

12:30-13:00 (CAT, UTC+2)

Session II

13:00-13:30 (CAT, UTC+2)

Session III

13:30-14:00 (CAT, UTC+2)

Participating universities

Including links to the individual consultation sessions with them

Social Sciences

Computer Science

Kobe Institute of Computing

Created with Sketch.


Kyushu University

Created with Sketch.

Mixed Category

Hiroshima University

Created with Sketch.