Call for application for MEXT Scholarship (University Recommendation) at the Graduate School of Environmental Science at Hokkaido University

Graduate School of Environmental Science at Hokkaido University opened a call for application for the 2023 Japanese Government Scholarship for Overseas Research Students (MEXT Scholarship University Recommendation).

This is a fully-funded scholarship which covers a tuition fee, travel expenses, and monthly allowance. There are 3 slots for Masters course and 4-5 slots for PhD course. International students with good academic record (minimum GPA 2.3 out of 3.0) who wish to study at Masters or Doctoral levels are welcome to apply.

The application deadline is 23 January 2023, and all the documents need to be submitted to a prospective supervisor.

For more detailed information on eligibility, scholarship periods and benefits, required documents and selection procedure, please see here.