Study in Japan Fair for Kenya 2023 took place in Nairobi
On 15 September 2023, Study in Japan Fair for Kenya 2023 took place at the Embassy of Kenya in Nairobi. The fair was organized by the Hokkaido University Africa Office in Lusaka and its Nairobi Branch, the Embassy of Japan in Kenya, and the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Nairobi Research Station.
Eight Japanese universities participate in the fair in presentia, whereas three other universities participated online from Japan. Brochures of another eight universities were also showcased at the venue.
At the General Information Session, a Study in Japan coordinator gave a presentation on the general information on studying in Japan. Representatives of the Embassy of Japan and JICE Kenya Office explained about their scholarship schemes.
In the latter half of the fair, participants were able to visit different booths set up by participating universities, and have individual consultations with their representatives. The fair provided them a great opportunity to better understand the schools, programmes, and scholarship schemes of these participating universities.
The following universities participated in the fair:
- Akita University
- Doshisha Business School
- Hokkaido University
- International Pacific University
- International University of Japan
- Nagasaki University
- Tokyo Institute of Technology
- Utsunomiya University
The following universities participated in the fair online:
- Kyoto University of Advanced Science
- Toyo University
- University of Tsukuba
The brochures of the following universities were showcased:
- Keio University
- Otaru University of Commerce
- Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University
- Ritsumeikan University
- Sophia University
- Tohoku University
- Toyo University